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Long running jobs

JaySeptember 23, 2022

We launched a new construct that makes it easy to run functions longer than 15 minutes — `Job]

These are useful for cases where you are running async tasks like video processing, ETL, and ML. A Job can run for up to 8 hours.

Job is made up of:

  1. Job — a construct that creates the necessary infrastructure.
  2. JobHandler — a handler function that wraps around your function code in a typesafe way.
  3. — a helper function to invoke the job.

Launch event

We hosted a launch livestream where we demoed the new construct, did a deep dive, and answered some questions.

The video is timestamped and here’s roughly what we covered.

  1. Intro
  2. Demo
  3. Deep Dive
    • Deep dive into the construct
    • Granting permissions for running the job
    • Typesafety
    • Defining the job handler
    • Running the job
    • Live debugging the job
  4. Q&A
    • Q: When should I use Job vs Function?
    • Q: Is Job a good fit for batch jobs?
    • Q: Why CodeBuild instead of Fargate?

Get started

Here’s how you use the new Job construct. Start by creating a new job.

import { Job } from "@serverless-stack/resources";
const job = new Job(stack, "MyJob", {
srcPath: "services",
handler: "functions/myJob.handler",

Add the job handler.

import { JobHandler } from "@serverless-stack/node/job";
declare module "@serverless-stack/node/job" {
export interface JobTypes {
MyJob: {
foo: string;
export const handler = JobHandler("MyJob", async (payload) => {
// Do the job

Finally invoke the job.

import { Job } from "@serverless-stack/node/job";
function someFunction() {
await"MyJob", {
payload: {
foo: "Hello World",

Note that the payload and job name MyJob here are typesafe.

For a full tutorial check out the Quick Start in the docs.