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Wrapping up SST 1.0 Conf

JayMay 23, 2022

Hopefully everybody enjoyed SST 1.0 Conf as much as we enjoyed putting it together. It allowed the community to come together and celebrate SST’s v1 release.

It’s been a little over a year since SST launched and it’s incredible to see how far it has come in this short time. SST now has over 6500 stars on GitHub, 1900 developers in Slack, and nearly 80000 folks have subscribed to our newsletter. Thousands of teams from companies like Comcast, Shell, Analog Devices, and The LEGO Group are using SST.

Watch the recording

If you missed SST 1.0 Conf, don’t worry you can watch the recording on YouTube.

All the talks are timestamped. So if you want to watch a specific talk, or rewatch one, you can do that right from YouTube.

A huge thanks to the speakers for taking the time from their busy schedules to make this event a success.

Looking ahead

Now that SST has hit v1, you might be wondering what we are doing next. We are going to be spending more time on the application code portion of your SST apps. To get an early preview of it, check out Dax’s talk from the conference.

SST 1.0 Conf also allowed us as a team to do a couple of things that we don’t usually do. It allowed us to share a side of us that’s hard to do on Slack. So moving forward we’ll be sharing more about how we work. We’ll be doing more livestreams and creating screencasts. You can subscribe to our channel on YouTube.

Give us your feedback

We are already looking forward to the next SST conference. We’ve got a ton of ideas on what we’d like to do. But we’d appreciate if you took a second to give us some of your feedback on SST 1.0 Conf.

Once again, thanks to you all for attending SST 1.0 Conf and being a part of this amazing community!