Issues container support
Issues now reports errors from Node.js container applications. Previously, only errors from Lambda functions were reported.

Reporting errors
For the Console to automatically report errors, you need to console.error
an error object.
console.error(new Error("my-error"));
In container applications, your code needs to also import the SST JS SDK.
import "sst";
console.error(new Error("my-error"));
This applies a polyfill to the console
object to prepend the log lines with a marker that allows Issues to detect errors.
If you are already importing the SDK, you won’t need to add an additional import.
How it works
Issues works by adding a log subscriber to the CloudWatch Log groups in your SST apps. This has a filter that matches anything that looks like an error.
In the case of Lambda functions, the Lambda runtime automatically adds a marker to the logs that the filter matches for. For containers, the SST SDK polyfills the console
object to add the marker.