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Configure Autodeploy workflow

JayJanuary 30, 2025

You can now completely control the build process when auto-deploying your app through the Console.


After you’ve enabled Autodeploy, the Console will start a build process, check out your code, detect your package manager, install dependencies, and run sst deploy; all without needing a config.

However, there are times where you want to configure the build process. For example, to run your tests, or run some post-deploy script.

You can now do that with the new autodeploy.workflow prop.


The autodeploy.workflow prop allows you to completely take over control of the build process and run any commands you want.

export default $config({
app(input) { /* ... */ },
async run() { /* ... */ },
console: {
autodeploy: {
async workflow({ $, event }) {
await $`npm i`;
event.action === "removed"
? await $`npm sst remove`
: await $`npm sst deploy`;

The problem with CI/CD scripts has always been that they are bash commands embedded in a YAML config. This can be hard to write and maintain.

Even though the SST config is in TypeScript, it’s still cumbersome to write shell scripts in Node.

Bun Shell

To address this we run the workflow function in a Bun process. $ is the Bun Shell, a bash-like shell that makes it easy to write scripts in TypeScript and JavaScript.

async workflow({ $, event }) {
await $`npm i -g pnpm`;
await $`pnpm i`;
const { exitCode } = await $`pnpm test`.nothrow();
if (exitCode !== 0) {
// Process the test report and then fail the build
throw new Error("Failed to run tests");
event.action === "removed"
? await $`pnpm sst remove`
: await $`pnpm sst deploy`;

This simplifies the shell commands in your deployment scripts.


In the above example, we are throwing an error after we handle a failed command.

throw new Error("Failed to run tests");

This will fail the build and display this error message in the Console.

Learn more

You can see the new workflow prop in action in how the Console is deployed; since the Console auto-deploys itself!

async workflow({ $, event }) {
await $`bun i`;
await $`goenv install 1.21.3 && goenv global 1.21.3`;
await $`cd ../platform && ./scripts/build`;
await $`bun i sst-linux-x64`;
event.action === "removed"
? await $`bun sst remove`
: await $`bun sst deploy`;

Learn more about the new workflow prop in the docs.

Other updates

We also rolled out a couple of other updates to Autodeploy:

  • We implemented a workaround so you won’t get the annoying Docker Hub rate limit errors while deploying the Service component.
  • You can now return multiple stages in This means that when you git push to your repo, the Console can deploy to multiple stages.

You can learn more about the Console and Autodeploy in the docs.