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Reference doc for the `sst.config.ts`.

The sst.config.ts file is used to configure your SST app and its resources.

$config(input: Config): Config

You specify it using the $config function. This takes an object of type Config.

/// <reference path="./.sst/platform/config.d.ts" />
export default $config({
// Your app's config
app(input) {
return {
name: "my-sst-app",
home: "aws"
// Your app's resources
async run() {
const bucket = new"MyBucket");
// Your app's outputs
return {
// Optionally, your app's Console config
console: {
autodeploy: {
runner: { compute: "large" }

The Config object takes:

  1. app — Your config
  2. run — Your resources
  3. console — Optionally, your app’s Console config

The app function is evaluated right when your app loads. It’s used to define the app config and its providers.

You can add Pulumi code in the run function not the app function. While the run function is where you define your resources using SST or Pulumi’s components.

The run function also has access to a list of Global $ variables and functions. These serve as the context for your app config.

Since SST manages importing your provider packages, it’s recommended not to add any imports in your sst.config.ts.


Your .env and .env.<stage> files are loaded as environment variables in your config. They need to be in the same directory as your sst.config.ts.


And are available as process.env in both your app and run functions.


The .env file takes precedence over .env.<stage>. So if you have a .env and a file, the values in the .env file will be used.

Make sure the stage name in your .env.<stage> matches the stage your app is running on.



Type Object

Configure how your app works with the SST Console.


Type Object

Default Auto-deploys branches and PRs.

Auto-deploys your app when you git push to your repo. Uses AWS CodeBuild in your account to run the build.

To get started, first make sure to set up Autodeploy. Specifically, you need to configure an environment with the stage and AWS account you want to auto-deploy to.

Now when you git push to a branch, pull request, or tag, the following happens:

  1. The stage name is generated based on the callback.
    1. If there is no callback, the stage name is a sanitized version of the branch or tag.
    2. If there is a callback but no stage is returned, the deploy is skipped.
  2. The runner config is generated based on the autodeploy.runner. Or the defaults are used.
  3. The stage is matched against the environments in the Console to get the AWS account and any environment variables for the deploy.
  4. The deploy is run based on the above config.

This only applies only to git events. If you trigger a deploy through the Console, you are asked to sepcify the stage you want to deploy to. So in this case, it skips step 1 from above and does not call

You can further configure Autodeploy through the autodeploy prop.

console: {
autodeploy: {
target(event) {}, // Customize the target stage
runner(stage) {}, // Customize the runner
async workflow({ $, input }) {} // Customize the workflow

Here, target, runner, and workflow are all optional and come with defaults, so you don’t need to configure anything. But you can customize them.

autodeploy: {
target(event) {
if (
event.type === "branch" &&
event.branch === "main" &&
event.action === "pushed"
) {
return { stage: "production" };
runner(stage) {
if (stage === "production") return { timeout: "3 hours" };

For example, here we are only auto-deploying to the production stage when you git push to the main branch. We are also setting the timeout to 3 hours for the production stage. You can read more about the target and runner props below.

Finally, if you want to configure exactly what happens in the build, you can pass in a workflow function.

autodeploy: {
async workflow({ $, event }) {
await $`npm i -g pnpm`;
await $`pnpm i`;
event.action === "removed"
? await $`pnpm sst remove`
: await $`pnpm sst deploy`;

You can read more the workflow prop below.


Type Runner | (input: RunnerInput) => Runner

Configure the runner that will run the build. By default it uses the following config:

runner: {
engine: "codebuild",
architecture: "x86_64",
compute: "medium",
timeout: "1 hour"

Most of these are optional and come with defaults. But you can configure them.

runner: { timeout: "3 hours" }

You can also configure it based on the stage that’s being deployed. Let’s say you want to use the defaults for all stages except for production.

runner(stage) {
if (stage === "production") return { timeout: "3 hours" };

Aside from the above, you can also have the deploys run inside a VPC.

runner: {
vpc: {
id: "vpc-0be8fa4de860618bb",
securityGroups: ["sg-0399348378a4c256c"],
subnets: ["subnet-0b6a2b73896dc8c4c", "subnet-021389ebee680c2f0"]

Or configure files or directories to be cached.

runner: {
cache: {
paths: ["node_modules", "/path/to/cache"]

A runner is a AWS CodeBuild project and an IAM Role. This is created in your account.

Once a runner is created, it can be used to run multiple builds of the same machine config concurrently. Runners are also shared across all apps in the same account and region.

If a runner with a given config has been been previously created, it’ll be reused. The Console will also automatically remove runners that have not been used for more than 7 days.

You are not charged for the number of runners you have, only for the number of build minutes that you use. The pricing is based on the machine config used. Learn more about CodeBuild pricing.


Returns undefined | Target

Defines the stage or a list of stages the app will be auto-deployed to.

When a git event is received, Autodeploy will run the target function with the git event. This function should return the stage or a list of stages the app will be deployed to. Or undefined if the deploy should be skipped.

The stage that is returned is then compared to the environments set in the app settings in the Console. If the stage matches an environment, the stage will be deployed to that environment. If no matching environment is found, the deploy will be skipped.

Currently, only git events for branches, pull requests, and tags are supported.

This config only applies to git events. If you trigger a deploy through the Console, you are asked to sepcify the stage you want to deploy to. In this case, and when you redeploy a manual deploy, the target function is not called.

By default, this is what the target function looks like:

target(event) {
if (event.type === "branch" && event.action === "pushed") {
return {
stage: event.branch
.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9-]/g, "-")
.replace(/-+/g, "-")
.replace(/^-/g, "")
.replace(/-$/g, "")
if (event.type === "pull_request") {
return { stage: `pr-${event.number}` };

So for a:

  • branch: The stage name is a sanitized version of the branch name. When a branch is removed, the stage is not removed.
  • pull request: The stage name is pr-<number>. When a pull request is closed, the stage is removed.

Git events to tags are not auto-deployed by default. You can change this by adding it to your config.

target(event) {
if (event.type === "tag" && event.action === "pushed") {
return {
stage: "tag-" + event.tag
.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9-]/g, "-")
.replace(/-+/g, "-")
.replace(/^-/g, "")
.replace(/-$/g, "")

Here, similar to the branch event, we are sanitizing the tag name to generate the stage. Just make sure to configure the environment for these tag stages in the Console.

If you don’t want to auto-deploy for a given event, you can return undefined. For example, to skip any deploys to the staging stage.

target(event) {
if (event.type === "branch" && event.branch === "staging") return;
if (
event.type === "branch" &&
event.branch === "main" &&
event.action === "pushed"
) {
return { stage: "production" };


Returns Promise<void>

Customize the commands that are run during the build process. This is useful for running tests, or completely customizing the build process.

The default workflow automatically figures out the package manager you are using, installs the dependencies, and runs sst deploy or sst remove based on the event.

For example, if you are using pnpm, the following is equivalent to the default workflow.

async workflow({ $, event }) {
await $`npm i -g pnpm`;
await $`pnpm i`;
event.action === "removed"
? await $`pnpm sst remove`
: await $`pnpm sst deploy`;

The workflow function is run inside a Bun process. It passes in $ as the Bun Shell. This makes bash-like scripting easier.

For example, here’s how you can run tests before deploying.

async workflow({ $, event }) {
await $`npm i -g pnpm`;
await $`pnpm i`;
await $`pnpm test`;
event.action === "removed"
? await $`pnpm sst remove`
: await $`pnpm sst deploy`;

When you pass in a workflow, you are effectively taking control of what runs in your build.

This means that if you don’t run sst deploy, your app won’t be deployed.

If you throw an error in the workflow, the deploy will fail and the error will be displayed in the Autodeploy logs.

Here’s a more detailed example of using the Bun Shell to handle failures.

async workflow({ $, event }) {
await $`npm i -g pnpm`;
await $`pnpm i`;
const { exitCode } = await $`pnpm test`.nothrow();
if (exitCode !== 0) {
// Process the test report and then fail the build
throw new Error("Failed to run tests");
event.action === "removed"
? await $`pnpm sst remove`
: await $`pnpm sst deploy`;

You’ll notice we are not passing in --stage to the SST commands. This is because the SST_STAGE environment variable is already set in the build process.

The build process is run inside an Amazon Linux 2 machine based on the architecture used.




Returns App

The config for your app. It needs to return an object of type App. The app function is evaluated when your app loads.

Here’s an example of a simple app function.

app(input) {
return {
name: "my-sst-app",
home: "aws",
providers: {
aws: true,
cloudflare: {
accountId: "6fef9ed9089bb15de3e4198618385de2"
removal: input.stage === "production" ? "retain" : "remove"



Returns Promise<void | Record<string, any>>

An async function that lets you define the resources in your app.

You can optionally return an object that’ll be displayed as the output in the CLI.

For example, here we return the name of the bucket we created.

async run() {
const bucket = new"MyBucket");
return {

This will display the following in the CLI on sst deploy and sst dev.

bucket: bucket-jOaikGu4rla

These outputs are also written to a .sst/output.json file after every successful deploy. It contains the above outputs in JSON.

{"bucket": "bucket-jOaikGu4rla"}



Type aws | cloudflare | local

The provider SST will use to store the state for your app. The state keeps track of all your resources and secrets. The state is generated locally and backed up in your cloud provider.

Currently supports AWS, Cloudflare and local.

If you want to configure the aws or cloudflare home provider, you can:

home: "aws",
providers: {
aws: {
region: "us-west-2"


Type string

The name of the app. This is used to prefix the names of the resources in your app.

This means that you don’t want to change the name of your app without removing the old resources first.

name: "my-sst-app"


Type boolean

If set to true, the sst remove CLI will not run and will error out.

This is useful for preventing cases where you run sst remove --stage <stage> for the wrong stage.

For example, prevent the production stage from being removed.

protect: input.stage === "production"

However, this only applies to sst remove for stages.

If you accidentally remove a resource from the sst.config.ts and run sst deploy or sst dev, it’ll still get removed. To avoid this, check out the removal prop.


Type Record<string, any>

Default The home provider.

The providers that are being used in this app. This allows you to use the resources from these providers in your app.

providers: {
aws: "6.27.0",
cloudflare: "5.37.1"

Check out the full list in the Directory.

If you don’t set a provider it uses your home provider with the default config. So if you set home to aws, it’s the same as doing:

home: "aws",
providers: {
aws: "6.27.0"

You can also configure the provider props. Here’s the config for some common providers:

For example, to change the region for AWS.

providers: {
aws: {
region: "us-west-2"


Type remove | retain | retain-all

Default “retain”

Configure how your resources are handled when they have to be removed.

  • remove: Removes the underlying resource.
  • retain: Retains resources like S3 buckets and DynamoDB tables. Removes everything else.
  • retain-all: Retains all resources.

For example, retain resources if it’s the production stage, otherwise remove all resources.

removal: input.stage === "production" ? "retain" : "remove"

This applies to not just the sst remove command but also cases where you remove a resource from the sst.config.ts and run sst dev or sst deploy.

To control how a stage is handled on sst remove, check out the protect prop.


Type string

Default The latest version of SST.

The version of SST supported by the app. The CLI will fail any commands if the version does not match.

Takes a specific version.

version: "3.2.49"

Also supports semver ranges.

version: ">= 3.2.49"



Type string

The stage this app is running on. This is a string that can be passed in through the CLI.

If not passed in, it’ll use the username of your local machine, or prompt you for it.


A git event for when a branch is updated or deleted. For example:

type: "branch",
action: "pushed",
repo: {
id: 1296269,
owner: "octocat",
repo: "Hello-World"
branch: "main",
commit: {
id: "b7e7c4c559e0e5b4bc6f8d98e0e5e5e5e5e5e5e5",
message: "Update the README with new information"
sender: {
id: 1,
username: "octocat"


Type pushed | removed

The type of the git action.

  • pushed is when you git push to a branch
  • removed is when a branch is removed


Type string

The name of the branch the event is coming from.


Type Object

Info about the commit in the event. This might look like:

id: "b7e7c4c559e0e5b4bc6f8d98e0e5e5e5e5e5e5e5",
message: "Update the README with new information"

Type string

The ID of the commit.


Type string

The commit message.


Type Object

The Git repository the event is coming from. This might look like:

id: 1296269,
owner: "octocat",
repo: "Hello-World"

Type number

The ID of the repo. This is usually a number.


Type string

The name of the owner or org the repo to belongs to.


Type string

The name of the repo.


Type Object

The user that generated the event. For example:

id: 1,
username: "octocat"

Type number

The ID of the user.


Type string

The username of the user.


Type branch

The git event type, for the BranchEvent it’s branch.


A git event for when a pull request is updated or deleted. For example:

type: "pull_request",
action: "pushed",
repo: {
id: 1296269,
owner: "octocat",
repo: "Hello-World"
number: 1347,
base: "main",
head: "feature",
commit: {
id: "b7e7c4c559e0e5b4bc6f8d98e0e5e5e5e5e5e5e5",
message: "Update the README with new information"
sender: {
id: 1,
username: "octocat"


Type pushed | removed

The type of the git action.

  • pushed is when you git push to the base branch of the PR
  • removed is when the PR is closed or merged


Type string

The base branch of the PR. This is the branch the code is being merged into.


Type Object

Info about the commit in the event. This might look like:

id: "b7e7c4c559e0e5b4bc6f8d98e0e5e5e5e5e5e5e5",
message: "Update the README with new information"

Type string

The ID of the commit.


Type string

The commit message.

Type string

The head branch of the PR. This is the branch the code is coming from.


Type number

The pull request number.


Type Object

The Git repository the event is coming from. This might look like:

id: 1296269,
owner: "octocat",
repo: "Hello-World"

Type number

The ID of the repo. This is usually a number.


Type string

The name of the owner or org the repo to belongs to.


Type string

The name of the repo.


Type Object

The user that generated the event. For example:

id: 1,
username: "octocat"

Type number

The ID of the user.


Type string

The username of the user.


Type string

The title of the pull request.


Type pull_request

The git event type, for the PullRequestEvent it’s pull_request.



Type x86_64 | arm64

Default x86_64

The architecture of the build machine.

The x86_64 machine uses the al/standard/5.0 build image. While arm64 uses the al/aarch64/standard/3.0 image instead.

You can also configure what’s used in the image:

  • Node

    To specify the version of Node you want to use in your build, you can use the .node-version, .nvmrc, or use the engine field in your package.json.

    engine: {
    node: "20.15.1"
  • Package manager

    To specify the package manager you want to use you can configure it through your package.json.

    packageManager: "pnpm@8.6.3"

Feel free to get in touch if you want to use your own build image or configure what’s used in the build image.


Type Object

Paths to cache as a part of the build. By default the .git directory is cached.

The given list of files and directories will be saved to the cache at the end of the build. And they will be restored at the start of the build process.

cache: {
paths: ["node_modules", "/path/to/cache"]

The relative paths are for caching files inside your repo. While the absolute path is for any global caches.

To clear the cache, you can trigger a new deploy using the Force deploy option in the Console.


Type string[]

The paths to cache. These are relative to the root of the repository.

By default, the .git directory is always cached.


Type small | medium | large | xlarge | 2xlarge

Default medium

The compute size of the build environment.

For x86_64, the following compute sizes are supported:

  • small: 3 GB, 2 vCPUs
  • medium: 7 GB, 4 vCPUs
  • large: 15 GB, 8 vCPUs
  • xlarge: 70 GB, 36 vCPUs
  • 2xlarge: 145 GB, 72 vCPUs

For arm64 architecture, the following compute sizes are supported:

  • small: 4 GB, 2 vCPUs
  • medium: 8 GB, 4 vCPUs
  • large: 16 GB, 8 vCPUs
  • xlarge: 64 GB, 32 vCPUs
  • 2xlarge: 96 GB, 48 vCPUs

To increase the memory used by your Node.js process in the build environment, you’ll want to set the NODE_OPTIONS environment variable to --max-old-space-size=xyz. Where xyz is the memory size in MB. By default, this is set to 1.5 GB.

Read more about the CodeBuild build environments.


Type codebuild

The service used to run the build. Currently, only AWS CodeBuild is supported.


Type ${number} minute | ${number} minutes | ${number} hour | ${number} hours

Default 1 hour

The timeout for the build. It can be from 5 minutes to 36 hours.


Type Object

The VPC to run the build in. If provided, the build environment will have access to resources in the VPC.

This is useful for building Next.js apps that might make queries to your database as a part of the build process.

You can get these from the outputs of the Vpc component your are using or from the Console.

vpc: {
id: "vpc-0be8fa4de860618bb",
subnets: ["subnet-0be8fa4de860618bb"],
securityGroups: ["sg-0be8fa4de860618bb"]

Type string

The ID of the VPC.


Type string[]

The security groups to run the build in.


Type string[]

The subnets to run the build in.



Type string

The stage the deployment will be run in.


A git event for when a tag is created or deleted. For example:

type: "tag",
action: "pushed",
repo: {
id: 1296269,
owner: "octocat",
repo: "Hello-World"
tag: "v1.5.2",
commit: {
id: "b7e7c4c559e0e5b4bc6f8d98e0e5e5e5e5e5e5e5",
message: "Update the README with new information"
sender: {
id: 1,
username: "octocat"


Type pushed | removed

The type of the git action.

  • pushed is when you create a tag
  • removed is when a tag is removed


Type Object

Info about the commit in the event. This might look like:

id: "b7e7c4c559e0e5b4bc6f8d98e0e5e5e5e5e5e5e5",
message: "Update the README with new information"

Type string

The ID of the commit.


Type string

The commit message.


Type Object

The Git repository the event is coming from. This might look like:

id: 1296269,
owner: "octocat",
repo: "Hello-World"

Type number

The ID of the repo. This is usually a number.


Type string

The name of the owner or org the repo to belongs to.


Type string

The name of the repo.


Type Object

The user that generated the event. For example:

id: 1,
username: "octocat"

Type number

The ID of the user.


Type string

The username of the user.


Type string

The name of the tag. For example, v1.5.2.


Type tag

The git event type, for the TagEvent it’s tag.



Type string | string[]

The stage or a list of stages the app will be deployed to.


A user event for when the user manually triggers a deploy. For example:

type: "user",
action: "deploy",
repo: {
id: 1296269,
owner: "octocat",
repo: "Hello-World"
ref: "main",
commit: {
id: "b7e7c4c559e0e5b4bc6f8d98e0e5e5e5e5e5e5e5",
message: "Update the README with new information"


Type remove | deploy

The type of the user action.

  • deploy is when you manually trigger a deploy
  • remove is when you manually remove a stage


Type Object

Info about the commit in the event. This might look like:

id: "b7e7c4c559e0e5b4bc6f8d98e0e5e5e5e5e5e5e5",
message: "Update the README with new information"

Type string

The ID of the commit.


Type string

The commit message.


Type string

The reference to the Git commit. This can be the branch, tag, or commit hash.


Type Object

The Git repository the event is coming from. This might look like:

id: 1296269,
owner: "octocat",
repo: "Hello-World"

Type number

The ID of the repo. This is usually a number.


Type string

The name of the owner or org the repo to belongs to.


Type string

The name of the repo.


Type user

The user event type.



Type Bun Shell

The Bun shell. It’s a cross-platform bash-like shell for scripting with JavaScript and TypeScript.


Type BranchEvent | TagEvent | PullRequestEvent | UserEvent

The event that triggered the workflow.

This includes git branch, pull request, or tag events. And it also includes a user event for manual deploys that are triggered through the Console.