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Manage and monitor your apps with the SST Console.

The Console is a web based dashboard to manage your SST apps. With it you can invoke functions, debug issues, view logs, and git push to deploy your apps, with your team —

SST Console

Get started

Start by creating an account and connecting your AWS account.

  1. Create an account with your email

    It’s better to use your work email so that you can invite your team to your workspace later —

  2. Create a workspace

    You can add your apps and invite your team to a workspace. A workspace can be for a personal project or for your team at work. You can create as many workspaces as you want.

  3. Connect your AWS account

    This will ask you to create a CloudFormation stack in your AWS account. Make sure that this stack is being added to us-east-1. Scroll down and click Create stack.

    This stack will scan all the regions in your account for SST apps and subscribe to them. Once created, you’ll see all your apps, stages, and the functions in the apps.

  4. Invite your team

    Use the email address of your teammates to invite them. They just need to login with the email you’ve used and they’ll be able to join your workspace.

How it works

At a high level, here’s how the Console works.

  • It’s hosted on our side

    It stores some metadata about what resources you have deployed. We’ll have a version that can be self-hosted in the future.

  • You can view all your apps and stages

    Once you’ve connected your AWS accounts, it’ll deploy a separate CloudFormation stack and connect to any SST apps in it. And all your apps and stages will show up automatically.

  • You can manage your apps

    You can view all the functions in your app. You can view all the issues in your functions in real-time with the source maps automatically applied. You can view their logs, invoke them, or replay invocations. You can also save event payloads to your workspace.

    For your functions running Live, the logs will be streamed in real-time from your local machine.

  • It’s open-source and built with SST

    The Console is an SST app. You can view the source on GitHub. It’s also auto-deployed using itself.


The CloudFormation stack that the Console uses, creates an IAM Role in your account to manage your resources. If this is a concern for your production environments, we have a couple of options.

By default, this role is granted AdministratorAccess, but you can customize it to restrict access. We’ll look at this below. Additionally, if you’d like us to sign a BAA, feel free to contact us.

There maybe cases where you don’t want any data leaving your AWS account. For this, we’ll be supporting self-hosting the Console in the future.

IAM permissions

Permissions for the Console fall into two categories: read and write:

  • Read Permissions: The Console needs specific permissions to display information about resources within your SST apps.

    PurposeAWS IAM Action
    Fetch stack outputscloudformation:DescribeStacks
    Retrieve function runtime and sizelambda:GetFunction
    Access stack metadataec2:DescribeRegions
    Display function logslogs:DescribeLogStreams
    Monitor invocation usagecloudwatch:GetMetricData

    Attach the arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/ReadOnlyAccess AWS managed policy to the IAM Role for comprehensive read access.

  • Write Permissions: The Console requires the following write permissions.

    PurposeAWS IAM Action
    Forward bootstrap bucket events to event buss3:PutBucketNotification
    Send events to Consoleevents:PutRule
    Grant event bus access for Consoleiam:CreateRole
    Enable Issues to subscribe logslogs:CreateLogGroup
    Invoke Lambda functions and replay invocationslambda:InvokeFunction

It’s good practice to periodically review and update these policies.

Customize policy

To customize IAM permissions for the CloudFormation stack:

  1. On the CloudFormation create stack page, download the default template.json.

  2. Edit the template file with necessary changes.

    View the template changes
    "SSTRole": {
    "Type": "AWS::IAM::Role",
    "Properties": {
    "ManagedPolicyArns": [
    "Policies": [
    "PolicyName": "SSTPolicy",
    "PolicyDocument": {
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": [
    "Resource": [
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": [
    "Resource": {
    "Fn::Sub": "arn:aws:events:*:${AWS::AccountId}:rule/SSTConsole*"
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": [
    "Resource": {
    "Fn::Sub": "arn:aws:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:role/SSTConsolePublisher*"
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": [
    "Resource": {
    "Fn::Sub": "arn:aws:logs:*:${AWS::AccountId}:log-group:*"
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": [
    "Resource": {
    "Fn::Sub": "arn:aws:lambda:*:${AWS::AccountId}:function:*"
  3. Upload your edited template.json file to an S3 bucket.

  4. Return to the CloudFormation create stack page and replace the template URL in the page URL.


Starting Feb 1, 2025, the Console will be priced based on the number of active resources in your SST apps.

ResourcesRate per resource
First 2000$0.086

Free Tier: Workspaces with 350 active resources or fewer.

So for example, if you go over the free tier and have 351 active resources in a month, your bill will be 351 x $0.086 = $30.2.

A couple of things to note.

  • These are calculated for a given workspace every month.
  • A resource is what SST creates in your cloud provider. Learn more below.
  • You can always access personal stages, even if you’re above the free tier.
  • If you haven’t deployed to a stage in a month, its resources won’t count as active.
  • For volume pricing, feel free to contact us.

Old pricing

Previously, the Console pricing was based on the number of times the Lambda functions in your SST apps are invoked per month and it used the following tiers.

InvocationsRate (per invocation)
First 1MFree
1M - 10M$0.00002
  • These are calculated for a given workspace on a monthly basis.
  • This does not apply to personal stages, they’ll be free forever.
  • There’s also a soft limit for Issues on all accounts.
  • For volume pricing, feel free to contact us.


Here are a few of the things the Console does for you.

  1. Logs: View logs from the functions in your app
  2. Issues: Get real-time alerts for any errors in your functions
  3. Local logs: View logs from your local sst dev session
  4. Resources: View the resources in your app and their history
  5. Autodeploy: Auto-deploy your app when you git push to your repo


With the Console, you don’t need to go to CloudWatch to look at the logs for your functions, containers and other log groups. You can view:

  • Past logs
  • Live logs
  • Jump to a specific time

SST Console logs


The Console will automatically show you any errors in your Node.js Lambda functions in real-time. And notify you through Slack or email.

SST Console Issues

With Issues, there is:

  • Nothing to setup, no code to instrument
  • Source maps are supported automatically
  • No impact on performance or cold starts, since the functions aren’t modified

Issues currently only supports Node.js functions. Other runtimes and containers are on the roadmap.

Error detection

Issues reports Lambda function failures. In addition, for Node.js it reports errors that are logged using console.error(new Error("my-error")).

For the Console to automatically report your errors, you need to pass in an error object with the console.error call.

console.error(new Error("my-error"));

How it works

Here’s how Issues works behind the scenes.

  1. When an app is deployed or when an account is first synced, we add a log subscriber to the CloudWatch Log groups in your SST apps.
    • This is added to your AWS account and includes a Lambda function. More on this below.
  2. If the subscriber filter matches anything that looks like an error it invokes the Lambda function.
  3. The Lambda function tries to parse the error and fetches the source maps from the state bucket in your account.
  4. It then hits an endpoint in the SST Console and passes in that error.
  5. Finally, the Console groups similar looking errors together and displays them.

Log subscriber

The log subscriber also includes the following:

  1. Lambda function that’ll be invoked when a log with an error is matched.
    • This function has a max concurrency set to 10.
    • If it falls behind on processing by over 10 minutes, it’ll discard the logs.
    • This prevents it from scaling indefinitely when there’s a burst of errors.
    • This also means that if there are a lot of errors, the alerts might be delayed by up to 10 minutes.
  2. IAM role that gives it access to query the logs and the state bucket for the source maps.
  3. Log group with a 1 day retention.

These are added to every region in your AWS account that has a CloudWatch log group from your SST apps. It’s deployed using a CloudFormation stack.

This process of adding a log subscriber might fail if we:

  • Don’t have enough permissions. In this case, update the permissions that you’ve granted to the Console.
  • Hit the limit for the number of subscribers, there’s a maximum of 2 subscribers. To fix this, you can remove one of the existing subscribers.

You can see these errors in the Issues tab. Once you’ve fixed these issues, you can hit Retry and it’ll try attaching the subscriber again.


AWS will bill you for the Lambda function log subscriber that’s in your account. This is usually fairly minimal.

Even if your apps are generating an infinite number of errors, the Lambda function is limited to a concurrency of 10. So the maximum you’ll be charged $43 x 10 = $430 per month x # of regions that are being monitored.

You can also disable Issues from your workspace settings, if you are using a separate service for monitoring.

Learn more about Lambda pricing.

Local logs

When the Console starts up, it checks if you are running sst dev locally. If so, then it’ll show you real-time logs from your local terminal. This works by connecting to a local server that’s run as a part of the SST CLI.

SST Console local logs

The local server only allows access from localhost and

The local logs works in all browsers and environments. But for certain browsers like Safari or Brave, and Gitpod, it needs some additional configuration.

Safari & Brave

Certain browsers like Safari and Brave require the local connection between the browser and the sst dev CLI to be running on HTTPS.

SST can automatically generate a locally-trusted certificate using the sst cert command.

Terminal window
sst cert

You’ll only need to run this once on your machine.


If you are using Gitpod, you can use the Gitpod Local Companion app to connect to the sst dev process running inside your Gitpod workspace.

To get started:

  1. Install Gitpod Local Companion app
  2. Run the Companion app
  3. Navigate to Console in the browser

The companion app runs locally and creates a tunnelled connection to your Gitpod workspace.


The Console shows you the complete state of the resources in your app. You can view:

  1. Each resource in your app
  2. The relation between resources
  3. The outputs of a given resource
  4. The full URN of the resource
  5. The update where the resource was created or modified

SST Console resources

Update history

The Console also tracks all the updates that were made to your app. And the resources that were modified as a part of the update.

It also shows the SST command that was run that triggered the update. If the update was a part of an Autodeploy, it shows the related git commit as well.


The Console can auto-deploy your apps when you git push to your GitHub repo. Autodeploy uses AWS CodeBuild in your account to run the build.

SST Console Autodeploy

We designed Autodeploy to be a better fit for SST apps when compared to alternatives like GitHub Actions or CircleCI.

  1. Easy to get started
    • Autodeploy supports the standard branch and PR workflow out of the box. You don’t need a config file to get started.
    • There are no complicated steps in configuring your AWS credentials; since your AWS account is already connected to the Console.
  2. Configurable
    • You can configure how Autodeploy works directly through your sst.config.ts.
    • It’s typesafe and the callbacks let you customize how to respond to incoming git events.
  3. Runs in your AWS account
    • The builds are run in your AWS account.
    • It can also be configured to run in your VPC. This is useful if your builds need to access private resources.
  4. Integrates with the Console
    • You can see which resources were updated in a deploy.
    • Your resource updates will also show you the related git commit.


To get started with Autodeploy:

  1. Enable the GitHub integration

    Head over to your Workspace settings > Integrations and enable GitHub. This will ask you to login to GitHub and you’ll be asked to pick the GitHub organization or user you want to link to.

    If you have multiple GitHub orgs, you can create multiple workspaces in the Console.

  2. Connect a repo

    To auto-deploy an app, head over to the App’s Settings > Autodeploy and select the repo for the app.

  3. Configure an environment

    Next you can configure a branch or PR environment by selecting the stage you want deployed to an AWS account. You can optionally configure environment variables as well.

    By default, stages are based on the branch name or PR. We’ll look at this in detail below.

  4. Git push

    Finally, git push to the environment you configured and head over to your app’s Autodeploy tab to see it in action.

    For example, if you configure a branch environment for the stage production, any git pushes to the production branch will be auto-deployed. Similarly, if you create a new PR, say PR#12, the Console will auto-deploy a stage called pr-12.

    You can also manually trigger a deployment through the Console by passing in a Git ref and the stage you want to deploy to.

  5. Setup alerts

    Once your deploys are working, you can set the Console to send alerts for your deploys. Head over to your Workspace Settings > Alerts and add a new alert to be notified on any Autodeploys, or only on Autodeploy errors.

While Autodeploy supports the standard branch and PR workflow out of the box, it can be configured in depth through your sst.config.ts.


The above can be configured through the console.autodeploy option in the sst.config.ts.

export default $config({
// Your app's config
app(input) { },
// Your app's resources
async run() { },
// Your app's Console config
console: {
autodeploy: {
target(event) {
if (event.type === "branch" && event.branch === "main" && event.action === "pushed") {
return { stage: "production" };

In the above example we are using the option to change the stage that’s tied to a git event. Only git pushes to the main branch to auto-deploy to the production stage.

This works because if target returns undefined, the deploy is skipped. And if you provide your own target callback, it overrides the default behavior.

Through the console.autodeploy.runner option, you can configure the runner that’s used. For example, if you wanted to increase the timeouts to 2 hours, you can.

console: {
autodeploy: {
runner: { timeout: "2 hours" }

This also takes the stage name, so you can set the runner config for a specific stage.

console: {
autodeploy: {
runner(stage) {
if (stage === "production") return { timeout: "3 hours" };

You can also have your builds run inside your VPC.

console: {
autodeploy: {
runner: {
vpc: {
id: "vpc-0be8fa4de860618bb",
securityGroups: ["sg-0399348378a4c256c"],
subnets: ["subnet-0b6a2b73896dc8c4c", "subnet-021389ebee680c2f0"]

Or specify files and directories to be cached.

console: {
autodeploy: {
runner: {
cache: {
paths: ["node_modules", "/path/to/cache"]

Read more about the console.autodeploy config.


The Console needs to know which account it needs to autodeploy into. You configure this under the App’s Settings > Autodeploy. Each environment takes:

  1. Stage

    The stage that is being deployed. By default, the stage name comes from the name of the branch. Branch names are sanitized to only letters/numbers and hyphens. So for example:

    • A push to a branch called production will deploy a stage called production.
    • A push to PR#12 will deploy to a stage called pr-12.

    As mentioned, above you can customize this through your sst.config.ts.

    If multiple stages share the same environment, you can use a glob pattern. For example, pr-* matches all stages that start with pr-.

  2. AWS Account

    The AWS account that you are deploying to.

  3. Environment Variables

    Any environment variables you need for the build process. These are made available under process.env.* in your sst.config.ts.

How it works

When you git push to a branch, pull request, or tag, the following happens:

  1. The stage name is generated based on the callback.
    1. If there is no callback, the stage name is a sanitized version of the branch or tag.
    2. If there is a callback but no stage is returned, the deploy is skipped.
  2. The stage is matched against the environments in the Console to get the AWS account and any environment variables for the deploy.
  3. The runner config is generated based on the console.autodeploy.runner. Or the defaults are used.
  4. The deploy is run based on the above config.

This only applies only to git events. If you trigger a deploy through the Console, you are asked to specify the stage you want to deploy to. So in this case, it skips step 1 from above and does not call

Both target and runner are optional and come with defaults, but they can be customized.


AWS will bill you for the CodeBuild build minutes that are used to run your builds. Learn more about CodeBuild pricing.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the Console.

  • Do I need to use the Console to use SST?

    You don’t need the Console to use SST. It compliments the CLI and has some features that help with managing your apps in production.

    That said, it is completely free to get started. You can create an account and invite your team, without having to add a credit card.

  • Is there a free tier?

    If your workspace has 350 active resources or fewer for the month, it’s considered to be in the free tier. This count also resets every month.

  • What happens if I go over the free tier?

    You won’t be able to access the production or deployed stages till you add your billing details in the workspace settings.

    Note that, you can continue to access your personal stages. Just make sure you have sst dev running locally. Otherwise the Console won’t be able to detect that it’s a personal stage.

  • What counts as a resource?

    Resources are what SST creates in your cloud provider. This includes the resources created by both SST’s built-in components, like Function, Nextjs, Bucket, and the ones created by any other Terraform/Pulumi provider.

    Some components, like Nextjs and StaticSite, create multiple resources. In general, the more complex the component, the more resources it’ll create.

    You can see a full list of resources if you go to an app in your Console and navigate to a stage in it.

    For some context, the Console is itself a pretty large SST app and it has around 320 resources.

  • How are active resource counted?

    At the start of every month, or billing cycle, the Console will track the stages that have been updated. All the resources in these stages are considered active for the month.

    However, if the only update to a stage in a month was to remove it, the resources in that stage will not be counted as being active.

Old pricing FAQ

Here were some frequently asked questions about the old pricing plan for the Console.

  • Do I need to switch to the new pricing?

    If you are currently on the old plan, you don’t have to switch and you won’t be automatically switched over either.

    You can go to the workspace settings and check out how much you’ll be billed based on both the plans. To switch over, you can cancel your current plan and then subscribe to the new plan.

    At some point in the future, we’ll remove the old plan. But there’s no specific timeline for it yet.

  • Which Lambda functions are included in the number of invocations?

    The number of invocations are only counted for the Lambda functions in your SST apps. Other Lambda functions in your AWS accounts are not included.

  • Do the functions in my personal stages count as a part of the invocations?

    Lambda functions that are invoked locally are not included.

  • My invocation volume is far higher than the listed tiers. Are there any other options?

    Feel free to contact us and we can figure out a pricing plan that works for you.

If you have any further questions, feel free to send us an email.