All Providers
Use 150+ Pulumi or Terraform providers in your app.
Aside from the built-in components, SST supports any of the 150+ Pulumi and Terrarform providers.
Check out the full list in the Directory.
Add a provider
To add a provider to your app run.
sst add <provider>
This command adds the provider to your config, installs the packages, and adds the namespace of the provider to your globals.
SST manages these packages internally and you do not need to import the package in your sst.config.ts
For example, to add the Stripe provider.
sst add stripe
Read more about providers.
SST comes preloaded with the following providers, so you don’t need to add them.
These are used internally to power the built-in components.
Use a resource
Once added, you can use a resource from the provider in your sst.config.ts
For example, use a Stripe resource in your config’s run
export default $config({ // ... async run() { new stripe.Product("MyStripeProduct", { name: "SST Paid Plan", description: "This is how SST makes money", }); },});
As mentioned above, since the AWS provider comes preloaded, you can use any AWS resource directly as well.
new aws.apprunner.Service("MyService", { serviceName: "example", sourceConfiguration: { imageRepository: { imageConfiguration: { port: "8000" }, imageIdentifier: "", imageRepositoryType: "ECR_PUBLIC" } }});
Below is the full list of providers that SST supports.
sst add <provider>
Install any of the following using the package name as the provider
. For example, sst add auth0
If you want SST to support a Terraform provider or update a version, you can submit a PR to the sst/provider repo.
Provider | Package |
ACI | @netascode/aci |
ACME | @pulumiverse/acme |
Aiven | aiven |
Akamai | akamai |
Alibaba Cloud | alicloud |
Amazon EKS | eks |
Aquasec | @pulumiverse/aquasec |
Artifactory | artifactory |
Astra DB | @pulumiverse/astra |
Auth0 | auth0 |
Auto Deploy | auto-deploy |
AWS API Gateway | aws-apigateway |
AWS | aws |
AWS Control Tower | @lbrlabs/pulumi-awscontroltower |
AWS IAM | aws-iam |
AWS Cloud Control | aws-native |
AWS QuickStart Aurora Postgres | aws-quickstart-aurora-postgres |
AWS QuickStart Redshift | aws-quickstart-redshift |
AWS QuickStart VPC | aws-quickstart-vpc |
AWS S3 Replicated Bucket | aws-s3-replicated-bucket |
AWS Static Website | aws-static-website |
AWSx | awsx |
AzAPI | @ediri/azapi |
Azure Active Directory | azuread |
Azure Classic | azure |
Azure Justrun | pulumi-azure-justrun |
Azure Native | azure-native |
Azure Quickstart ACR Geo Replication | azure-quickstart-acr-geo-replication |
Azure QuickStart ACR Geo Replication | azure-quickstart-acr-geo-replication |
Azure Static Website | azure-static-website |
AzureDevOps | azuredevops |
Buildkite | @pulumiverse/buildkite |
Checkly | @checkly/pulumi |
Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN | sdwan |
Cisco ISE | ise |
Civo | civo |
Cloud-Init | cloudinit |
CloudAMQP | cloudamqp |
Cloudflare | cloudflare |
CockroachDB | @pulumiverse/cockroach |
Command | command |
Confluent | confluentcloud |
Consul | consul |
Control Plane | @pulumiverse/cpln |
Databricks | databricks |
Datadog | datadog |
dbt Cloud | dbtcloud |
DigitalOcean | digitalocean |
DNSimple | dnsimple |
Docker | docker |
Docker Build | docker-build |
Doppler | @pulumiverse/doppler |
Dynatrace | @pulumiverse/dynatrace |
Elastic Cloud | ec |
Equinix | @equinix-labs/pulumi-equinix |
ESXi Native | @pulumiverse/esxi-native |
Event Store Cloud | @eventstore/pulumi-eventstorecloud |
Exoscale | @pulumiverse/exoscale |
F5 BIG-IP | f5bigip |
Fastly | fastly |
Flux | @worawat/flux |
Fortios | @pulumiverse/fortios |
FusionAuth | pulumi-fusionauth |
Gandi | @pulumiverse/gandi |
GCP Global CloudRun | gcp-global-cloudrun |
Genesis Cloud | @genesiscloud/pulumi-genesiscloud |
GitHub | github |
GitLab | gitlab |
Google Cloud Classic | gcp |
Google Cloud Native | google-native |
Google Cloud Static Website | google-cloud-static-website |
Grafana | @pulumiverse/grafana |
Harbor | @pulumiverse/harbor |
Harness | harness |
HashiCorp Vault | vault |
HCP | @grapl/pulumi-hcp |
Hetzner Cloud | hcloud |
Impart Security | @impart-security/pulumi-impart |
InfluxDB | @komminarlabs/influxdb |
Kafka | kafka |
Keycloak | keycloak |
Kong | kong |
Koyeb | @koyeb/pulumi-koyeb |
Kubernetes | kubernetes |
Kubernetes Cert Manager | kubernetes-cert-manager |
Kubernetes CoreDNS | kubernetes-coredns |
LaunchDarkly | @lbrlabs/pulumi-lauchdarkly |
LBr Labs EKS | @lbrlabs/pulumi-eks |
libvirt | libvirt |
Linode | linode |
Mailgun | mailgun |
Matchbox | @pulumiverse/matchbox |
Miniflux | aws-miniflux |
MinIO | minio |
MongoDB Atlas | mongodbatlas |
MSSQL | @pulumiverse/mssql |
MySQL | mysql |
Neon | neon |
New Relic | newrelic |
NGINX Ingress Controller | kubernetes-ingress-nginx |
ngrok | @pierskarsenbarg/ngrok |
Nomad | nomad |
NS1 | ns1 |
Nuage | nuage |
Nutanix | @pierskarsenbarg/nutanix |
Okta | okta |
OneLogin | onelogin |
OpenStack | openstack |
Opsgenie | opsgenie |
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure | oci |
OVHCloud | @ovh-devrelteam/pulumi-ovh |
PagerDuty | pagerduty |
Pinecone | @pinecone-database/pulumi |
PlanetScale | planetscale |
Port | @port-labs/port |
PostgreSQL | postgresql |
Prodvana | @prodvana/pulumi-prodvana |
Proxmox Virtual Environment | @muhlba91/pulumi-proxmoxve |
Pulumi Cloud | pulumiservice |
purrl | @pulumiverse/purrl |
Qovery | @ediri/qovery |
RabbitMQ | rabbitmq |
Rancher2 | rancher2 |
random | random |
Redis Cloud | @rediscloud/pulumi-rediscloud |
Rootly | @rootly/pulumi |
Runpod | @runpod-infra/pulumi |
Scaleway | @pulumiverse/scaleway |
Sentry | @pulumiverse/sentry |
SignalFx | signalfx |
Slack | slack |
Snowflake | snowflake |
Splight | @splightplatform/pulumi-splight |
Splunk | splunk |
Spotinst | spotinst |
Statuscake | @pulumiverse/statuscake |
Strata Cloud Manager | scm |
Stripe | stripe |
StrongDM | @pierskarsenbarg/sdm |
Sumo Logic | sumologic |
Supabase | supabase |
Symbiosis | @symbiosis-cloud/symbiosis-pulumi |
Synced Folder | synced-folder |
Tailscale | tailscale |
Talos Linux | @pulumiverse/talos |
Time | @pulumiverse/time |
TLS | tls |
Twingate | @twingate/pulumi-twingate |
Unifi | @pulumiverse/unifi |
Upstash | @upstash/pulumi |
Venafi | venafi |
Vercel | @pulumiverse/vercel |
VMware vSphere | vsphere |
Volcengine | @volcengine/pulumi |
vSphere | vsphere |
Vultr | @ediri/vultr |
Wavefront | wavefront |
Yandex | yandex |
Zitadel | @pulumiverse/zitadel |
Zscaler Internet Access | @bdzscaler/pulumi-zia |
Zscaler Private Access | @bdzscaler/pulumi-zpa |
Any missing providers or typos? Feel free to Edit this page and submit a PR.