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Reference doc for the `` component.

The QueueLambdaSubscriber component is internally used by the Queue component to add a consumer to Amazon SQS.

You’ll find this component returned by the subscribe method of the Queue component.


new QueueLambdaSubscriber(name, args, opts?)




Type Object

The underlying resources this component creates.


Type EventSourceMapping

The Lambda event source mapping.


Type Output<Function>

The Lambda function that’ll be notified.



Type Input<Object>

Default {size: 10, window: “20 seconds”, partialResponses: false}

Configure batch processing options for the consumer function.


Type Input<boolean>

Default false

Whether to return partial successful responses for a batch.

Enables reporting of individual message failures in a batch. When enabled, only failed messages become visible in the queue again, preventing unnecessary reprocessing of successful messages.

The handler function must return a response with failed message IDs.

Read more about partial batch responses.

Enable partial responses.

batch: {
partialResponses: true

For a batch of messages (id1, id2, id3, id4, id5), if id2 and id4 fail:

"batchItemFailures": [
"itemIdentifier": "id2"
"itemIdentifier": "id4"

This makes only id2 and id4 visible again in the queue.


Type Input<number>

Default 10

The maximum number of events that will be processed together in a single invocation of the consumer function.

Value must be between 1 and 10000.

Set batch size to 1. This will process events individually.

batch: {
size: 1


Type Input<${number} minute | ${number} minutes | ${number} second | ${number} seconds>

Default “0 seconds”

The maximum amount of time to wait for collecting events before sending the batch to the consumer function, even if the batch size hasn’t been reached.

Value must be between 0 seconds and 5 minutes (300 seconds).

batch: {
window: "20 seconds"


Type Input<Input<Record<string, any>>[]>

Filter the records that’ll be processed by the subscriber function.

You can pass in up to 5 different filter policies. These will logically ORed together. Meaning that if any single policy matches, the record will be processed. Learn more about the filter rule syntax.

For example, if you Queue contains records in this JSON format.

RecordNumber: 0000,
RequestCode: "AAAA",
TimeStamp: "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss"

To process only those records where the RequestCode is BBBB.

filters: [
body: {
RequestCode: ["BBBB"]

And to process only those records where RecordNumber greater than 9999.

filters: [
body: {
RecordNumber: [{ numeric: [ ">", 9999 ] }]


Type Input<Object>

The queue to use.


Type Input<string>

The ARN of the queue.


Type Input<string | FunctionArgs>

The subscriber function.


Type Object

Transform how this component creates its underlying resources.


Type EventSourceMappingArgs | (args: EventSourceMappingArgs, opts: ComponentResourceOptions, name: string) => void

Transform the Lambda Event Source Mapping resource.