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Interact with linked resources in your functions in a typesafe way.

The JS SDK is an npm package that you can use in your runtime code to interact with your infrastructure.

You can use the SDK in your functions, frontends, and container applications. You can access links from components in a typesafe way. And some components come with SDK clients that you can use.

Currently, the SDK is only available for JavaScript and TypeScript. Support for other languages is coming soon.


Install the npm package.

Terminal window
npm install sst

Import Resource to access the linked resources.

import { Resource } from "sst";

Here we are assuming that a bucket has been linked to the function. Here’s what that could look like.

const bucket = new"MyBucket");
new"MyFunction", {
handler: "src/lambda.handler",
link: [bucket]


By default, the Resource object contains Resource.App. This gives you some info about the current app including:

  • The name of your SST app.
  • App.stage: The current stage of your SST app.
import { Resource } from "sst";
console.log(, Resource.App.stage);

How it works

In the above example, works because it’s been injected into the function package on sst dev and sst deploy.

For functions, this is injected into the globalThis using esbuild and for frontends, it’s injected into the process.env object.

The JS SDK first checks the process.env and then the globalThis for the linked resources. You can read more about how the links are injected.


Components like the Realtime component come with a client that you can use.

import { realtime } from "sst/aws/realtime";
export const handler = realtime.authorizer(async (token) => {
// Validate the token

For example, realtime.authorizer lets you create the handler for the authorizer function that Realtime needs.