Prisma with Amazon RDS and SST
Use Prisma and SST to manage and deploy your Amazon Postgres RDS database.
We are going to use Prisma and SST to deploy an Amazon Postgres RDS database and connect to it from an Express app in a container.
Before you get started, make sure to configure your AWS credentials.
We also have a few other Prisma and Postgres examples that you can refer to.
1. Create a project
Let’s start by creating a Node.js app.
mkdir aws-prisma && cd aws-prismanpm init -y
We’ll install Prisma, TypeScript, and Express.
npm install prisma typescript ts-node @types/node --save-devnpm install express
Let’s initialize TypeScript and Prisma.
npx tsc --initnpx prisma init
This will create a prisma
directory with a schema.prisma
Init Express
Create your Express app by adding an index.mjs
to the root.
import express from "express";
const PORT = 80;
const app = express();
app.get("/", (req, res) => { res.send("Hello World!")});
app.listen(PORT, () => { console.log(`Server is running on http://localhost:${PORT}`);});
Init SST
Now let’s initialize SST in our app.
npx sst@latest initnpm install
Select the defaults and pick AWS. This’ll create a sst.config.ts
file in your project root.
2. Add a Postgres db
Let’s add a Postgres database using Amazon RDS. This needs a VPC.
async run() { const vpc = new"MyVpc", { bastion: true }); const rds = new"MyPostgres", { vpc });
const DATABASE_URL = $interpolate`postgresql://${rds.username}:${rds.password}@${}:${rds.port}/${rds.database}`;},
The bastion
option will let us connect to the VPC from our local machine.
We are also building the DATABASE_URL
variable using the outputs from our RDS database. We’ll use this later.
Start Prisma Studio
When you run SST in dev it can start other dev processes for you. In this case we want to start Prisma Studio. Add this below the DATABASE_URL
new sst.x.DevCommand("Prisma", { environment: { DATABASE_URL }, dev: { autostart: false, command: "npx prisma studio", },});
This will run the given command in dev.
3. Add a Cluster
To deploy our Express app, let’s add an AWS Fargate container with Amazon ECS. Add this at the end of your sst.config.ts
const cluster = new"MyCluster", { vpc });
cluster.addService("MyService", { link: [rds], environment: { DATABASE_URL }, loadBalancer: { ports: [{ listen: "80/http" }], }, dev: { command: "node --watch index.mjs", },});
This uses the same VPC, and adds an ECS Cluster, with a Fargate service in it.
The dev.command
tells SST to instead run our Express app locally in dev mode.
Install a tunnel
Since our database cluster is in a VPC, we’ll need a tunnel to connect to it from our local machine.
sudo npx sst tunnel install
This needs sudo to create a network interface on your machine. You’ll only need to do this once on your machine.
Start dev mode
Start your app in dev mode. This will take a few minutes.
npx sst dev
It’ll deploy your app, start a tunnel in the Tunnel tab, run your Express app locally in the MyServiceDev tab, and have your Prisma Studio in the Studio tab.
We are setting Prisma Studio to not auto-start since it pops up a browser window. You can start it by clicking on it and hitting Enter.
4. Create a schema
Let’s create a simple schema. Add this to your schema.prisma
model User { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) name String? email String @unique}
Generate a migration
We’ll now generate a migration for this schema and apply it. In a separate terminal run:
npx sst shell --target Prisma -- npx prisma migrate dev --name init
We are wrapping the prisma migrate dev --name init
command in sst shell --target Prisma
because we want this command to have access to the DATABASE_URL
defined in our sst.config.ts
The Prisma
target is coming from the new sst.x.DevCommand("Prisma")
component defined above.
This needs the tunnel to connect to the database. So you should have sst dev
in a separate terminal.
npx sst tunnel
Alternatively, you can just run the tunnel using the above command.
Prisma Studio
To see our schema in action we can open the Prisma Studio. Head over to the Studio tab in your sst dev
session and hit enter to start it.
5. Query the database
Running the migrate dev
command also installs the Prisma Client in our project. So let’s use that to query our database.
Replace the /
route in your index.mjs
import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client';
const prisma = new PrismaClient();
app.get("/", async (_req, res) => { const user = await prisma.user.create({ data: { name: "Alice", email: `alice-${crypto.randomUUID()}` }, }); res.send(JSON.stringify(user));});
Test your app
Let’s head over to http://localhost:80
in your browser and it’ll show you the new user that was created.
You should see this in the Prisma Studio as well.
5. Deploy your app
To deploy our app we’ll first add a Dockerfile
FROM node:18-bullseye-slim
COPY package.json index.mjs prisma /app/RUN npm install
RUN npx prisma generate
ENTRYPOINT ["node", "index.mjs"]
This just builds our Express app in a Docker image and runs the prisma generate
Let’s also add a .dockerignore
file in the root.
Now to build our Docker image and deploy we run:
npx sst deploy --stage production
You can use any stage name here but it’s good to create a new stage for production. This’ll give the URL of your Express app deployed as a Fargate service.
✓ Complete MyService:
Connect the console
As a next step, you can setup the SST Console to git push to deploy your app and monitor it for any issues.
You can create a free account and connect it to your AWS account.