We want to ensure that our React.js app connects to the right version of the backend resources when we deploy it to different environments. Let’s look at how to do that.

Let’s start by looking at a simple config. The src/config.js stores the info for all of our backend resources.

const config = {
  STRIPE_KEY: "pk_test_1234567890",
  s3: {
    REGION: "us-east-1",
    BUCKET: "notes-app-uploads"
  apiGateway: {
    REGION: "us-east-1",
    URL: "https://5by75p4gn3.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/prod"
  cognito: {
    REGION: "us-east-1",
    USER_POOL_ID: "us-east-1_udmFFSb92",
    APP_CLIENT_ID: "4hmari2sqvskrup67crkqa4rmo",
    IDENTITY_POOL_ID: "us-east-1:ceef8ccc-0a19-4616-9067-854dc69c2d82"

export default config;

We need to change this so that when we push our app to dev it connects to the dev environment of our backend and for prod it connects to the prod environment. Of course you can add many more environments, but let’s just stick to these for now.

Environment Variables in Create React App

Our React app is a static single page app. This means that once a build is created for a certain environment it persists for that environment.

Create React App has support for custom environment variables baked into the build system. To set a custom environment variable, simply set it while starting the Create React App build process.

$ REACT_APP_TEST_VAR=123 npm start

Here REACT_APP_TEST_VAR is the custom environment variable and we are setting it to the value 123. In our app we can access this variable as process.env.REACT_APP_TEST_VAR. So the following line in our app:


Will print out 123 in our console.

Note that, these variables are embedded during build time. Also, only the variables that start with REACT_APP_ are embedded in our app. All the other environment variables are ignored.

Stage Environment Variable

For our purpose let’s use an environment variable called REACT_APP_STAGE. This variable will take the values dev and prod. And by default it is set to dev. Now we can rewrite our config with this.

Change indicator Replace src/config.js with this.

const dev = {
  s3: {
  apiGateway: {
  cognito: {

const prod = {
  s3: {
  apiGateway: {
  cognito: {

const config = {
  // Add common config values here
  // Default to dev if not set
  ...(process.env.REACT_APP_STAGE === "prod" ? prod : dev),

export default config;

Make sure to replace the different version of the resources with the ones from your app.

Note that we are defaulting our environment to dev if the REACT_APP_STAGE is not set. This means that our current build process (npm start and npm run build) will default to the dev environment. Also note that we’ve moved config values that are common to both environments (like MAX_ATTACHMENT_SIZE) to a different section.

We don’t need to worry about the prod version just yet. But as an example, if we wanted to build the prod version of our app we’d have to run the following:

$ REACT_APP_STAGE=prod npm run build

OR for Windows

set "REACT_APP_STAGE=prod" && npm start

Next, we’ll create a build script to deploy our React.js app to Netlify.