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  • Fixing typos and errors

    The content on this site is kept up to date thanks in large part to our community and our readers. Submit a Pull Request to fix any typos or errors you might find.

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    If you’ve found yourself using the Discourse comments to get help, please consider helping anybody else with issues that you might have run into.

  • Keep the core guide updated

    SST is reliant on a large number of services and open source libraries and projects. The screenshots for the services and the dependencies need to be updated every once in a while. Here is a little more details on this.

  • Help translate the guide

    Our incredible readers are helping translate SST into multiple languages. You can check out our progress here. If you would like to help with our translation efforts, leave us a comment here.

  • Add an extra credit chapter

    The core chapters are missing some extra details (for the sake of simplicity) that are necessary once you start customizing SST setup. Additionally, there are cases that we just don’t handle in the core part of the guide. We are addressing these via Extra Credit chapters. If you have had a chance to extend SST consider writing a chapter on it. Here are further details on how to add an extra credit chapter.

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    Currently we do a lot of manual work to publish updates and maintain the tutorial. You can help by contributing to improve the process. Here are some more details on what we need help with.

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